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The Iberian Horseshoe — A Journey

Part IV. North East

Class Rules

Steve Porter
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With the holidays almost here, I decide to get tough with the Pacesetters. Here are the rules they will have to obey in the New Year:

  1. Always say hello and goodbye to the teacher. It is rude not to respond.
  2. Do not talk at the same time as the teacher.
  3. Books must be taken to class every day. Especially on Mondays when homework is checked.
  4. Respond to the teacher when asked a question. Tell him if you don’t understand.
  5. Classes start at 17.15. Not 17.20 for 17.25.

At five fifteen Irene enters. Alba comes in at twenty past and says she will have to leave fifteen minutes early for her guitar lesson. The two Núrias arrive at twenty-five past with cans of cola and bags of sweets. Big Núria tosses a bag of sweets in my direction and Wee Núria slides a can of orange along the desk.

“Merry Christmas,” they say.

“Thank you. Where have you been?”

“At the shop buying for the party.”

“You all said the other day that you didn’t want a party.”

“Hey, it’s Christmas,” they say in unison and laugh.

“Are we watching videos?”

“Can I write on the blackboard?”

I give up. The rules can wait until January.

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Copyright ©Steve Porter, 2004
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Date of publicationJuly 2007
Collection RSSGlobal Fiction
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