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Editor literari a Internet des del 1995
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Actualització de Badosa.com Primera: 24/11/95 • Darrera: 01/03/25 • Propera: 01/04/25

Gary C. Beck is a theater director of the classics, and new plays. His translations of Molière, Aristophanes and Sophocles, as well as his own plays, have been extensively produced off-Broadway. A number of his one-act plays have recently been published in Elimae, Istanbul Literature Review, Gold Dust Magazine, Clever Magazine and The 2nd Hand.

His poetry has appeared in dozens of literary magazines. Recent fiction publications include 3AM Magazine, EWG Presents, Nuvein Magazine, The Vincent Brothers Review, L’Intrigue Magazine, Dogwood Journal, Bibliophilos and many other magazines.

Badosa.com has published Feast or Famine, a one act play about a couple going through difficult ups and downs in their relationship, and the short story Before Fidel Became a Bad Guy.

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Gary Beck

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Concepció, disseny i desenvolupament: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)