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Editor literari a Internet des del 1995
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Actualització de Badosa.com Primera: 24/11/95 • Darrera: 01/03/25 • Propera: 01/04/25

Duane Locke, Doctor of Philosophy, English Renaissance literature, Professor Emeritus of the Humanities was Poet in Residence at the University of Tampa for over 20 years.

He has had over 5,000 poems published (as of February 2004, 5,094 poems). Over 2,000 were published in print magazines, such as American Poetry Review, Nation, and Bitter Oleander. In September 1999, he became a cyber poet, and added over 3,000 poems published in e-zines.

He is the author of 14 print books of poetry, and three ebooks (The Squids Dark Ink, From a Tiny Room, and The Death of Daphne).

He is also a painter, having many exhibitions, his latest at the city art museum in Gainesville, Florida. Also a photographer, he has 184 photos in e-zines. He does close-ups of trash tossed away in alleys and on sidewalks.

His old biographical notes, published many times, are now obsolete. The notes stated that he lived in an old decaying house in the sunny Tampa slums, populated largely by drug dealers and the homeless. The house was condemned by the city of Tampa inspectors, and after his living at this location for fifty years, he was forced to leave within six days. The forced move was due to the fall of the bungalow in his large back yard. The bungalow contained a priceless literary scholarly library which is now under debris. An army of inspectors descended and decided he could no longer live in his home, so Duane Locke left Tampa to relocate in Lakeland, Florida. He lives by a lake with swans and many wild birds. The fall was a “Fortunate Fall,” for he now lives in a more desirable and pleasant location at Lake Morton Plaza. The only disadvantage is that he can find no trash to photograph, no broken beer bottles on sidewalk, no litter as it was in Tampa.

Badosa.com has published High Walls and other poems, Sirens and other poems, Green shoes and other poems and Truffles and other poems.

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Duane Locke

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Concepció, disseny i desenvolupament: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)