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Editor literari a Internet des del 1995
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Actualització de Badosa.com Primera: 24/11/95 • Darrera: 01/03/25 • Propera: 01/04/25

Sam Silva has published well over 150 poems in print magazines including, but not limited to Samisdat, The ECU Rebel, Sow’s Ear, The American Muse, St. Andrews Review, Dog River Review, Third Lung Review, Main St. Rag, Charlotte Poetry Review, Parnasus... Most (but not all) of these magazines are now defunct. For the past four years his magazine portfolio has grown by and large on line including Rio Del Arts, Megaera, Big Bridge, Views unplugged, Comrade Magazine, Ken Again and at least thirty others. Over the years four small presses (Third Lung Press, M.A.F. Press, Alpha Beat Press, Trouth Creek Press) have published a total of nine chapbooks by Sam Silva. Brown and Yale Universities solicited many of these chapbooks for their libraries. These chapbooks were well received in newspaper reviews by Shelby Stephenson, Ron Bayes, Steve Smith, and the late poet laureate of North Carolina Sam Ragan.

Silva has ebooks available without cost at Physikgarden.com, and Independentbook.com, and at two dollars a piece at ReadSamSilva.com and well over 300 poems archived in online magazines. He was nominated a total of seven times by three small presses and has a full length collection of poetry called Eating and Drinking based on a royalties contract signed with Bright Spark Creative available for order at any online bookstore and has signed a second contract with Bright Spark’s former senior partner, Mickey Hager, for a second full length book to be published soon. Three spoken word CDs of Sam Silva’s have been marketed through CDBaby.

Badosa.com has published A Nucleus, a short work on Fayetteville, and the poems The disease of the Carolinas, Song of the Sleepy Fellow and In Carolina Places and A mysterious cat.

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Sam Silva


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Concepció, disseny i desenvolupament: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)